Thursday, June 7, 2007

Why a pond? why not a LAKE!

Why in the world does a normal guy suddenly try to build a pond? Well it started like this, My wife and I bought a house, with a big back yard. But being a new house, it had nothing in the way of backyard landscape. Okay not entirely true, they did put in two really big pine trees, and at least they ran sprinklers to water that part so I didn't have to. That was it, now grass. So we spread some seed, and encouraged the wild grasses behind us to grow into our yard. This did work, and we do have a lawn of sorts, but not as much grass as I would like. This year a week prior to my birthday, my friend David took me shopping for cinder blocks and soil to start a backyard vegetable garden. I had not had one since I got divorced. So here is a picture of the garden, as it sits right now. Catnip in the corners, two basil plants, three different kinds of tomatoes, spearmint and two tree gnomes. The tree gnomes are there to help keep the birds out. I don't know if they work, but I like them. I think mostly I like them. Well I had always wanted a water garden or pond or some kind of water feature. A friend who moved away had given me a waterfall he had built, and I had not really found a place I liked for it, so I disassembled it and stored it. I had about 100 lbs of lava rocks, a pump and some other miscellaneous parts and pieces. Well I got the idea to put together my own pond. And that is what this blog will be about. Please make your comments and share your pond stories, and even pond horror stories. I may post some pictures of my other friends ponds and projects. Hope you enjoy it, I am.
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